
Welcome to the Paidlancers User Guide! We're thrilled to have you here! At Paidlancers, we know that freelancing can be both rewarding and challenging. As freelancers ourselves, we understand the unique obstacles and opportunities that come with freelancing. That's why we created Paidlancers – a desktop app designed to help you streamline your freelancing event management tasks.

Introducing Paidlancers

Paidlancers is a desktop app for keeping track of your freelancing events, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Paidlancers can get your freelancing event management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

This user guide will help you get up to speed in no time!

Table of Contents

Using the examples in this Guide

The examples given in this guide are formatted with the following conventions:

commandword PARAMETERS

Command Word

  • Command word is the first word in any command.
  • It is written in lowercase.
  • These include examples such as linkcontact or edit.


  • Parameters are the words that follow the command word.
  • Parameters are written in UPPERCASE.
  • These include examples such as INDEX or PHONE.
  • Parameters are meant to be replaced by the user with the relevant information.
  • All parameters are required unless wrapped with [square brackets].


  • Examples are shown in the format commandword parameters.
  • This is followed by the expected outcome of the command.
  • These include examples such as newcontact n/John Doe p/98765432.
  • These are meant to be used as a reference for the user to see how the command should be formatted.
  • The expected action of this command is written behind.

User Interface

At Paidlancers, we understand that time is money, and every second matters for freelancers. That's why we've designed our app with a user interface (UI) that optimizes productivity, streamlines workflows, and ensures freelancers can get the most out of every moment.

Ui_Callout The UI is split into 4 main parts

  • Eventbook
    • This is where the events that you specified are displayed.
  • Contactlist
    • This is where the contacts you have stored are displayed.
  • Message Box
    • This is where the messages regarding the status of your commands are displayed.
  • Command Box
    • This is where you can enter your commands. Press Enter to execute the command.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

    • If you think that you have Java installed. you can input command java -version into the command terminal to display current version of java installed.
      • If the command is not recognized, you can install Java 11 from this link here.
      • Any version that is under the Java version 11 will work. (E.G. 11.0.1, 11.1.5).
    • Mac Users are encouraged to use the Azul build of OpenJDK11 version found here.
    • Choose the JDK FX version and not any other version.
  2. Download the latest Paidlancers.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Paidlancers.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar Paidlancers.jar command to run the application.

    • A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. Some example commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all events.

    • newcontact n/John Doe p/98765432 : Adds a contact named John Doe to the contact list.

    • delete 3 : Deletes the 3rd event shown in the current list.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

  7. When you are ready to start, you can use the clear command to clear all the sample data.

  8. Happy freePaidlancing!


Add a Contact: newcontact

Adds a new contact.

Format: newcontact n/NAME p/NUMBER

  • Creates a new contact with specified NAME and NUMBER


  • NAME should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • NUMBER should only contain numbers between 8 and 15 digits long.


  • newcontact n/Deborah Tan p/91234567
    • This command will create a new contact named Deborah Tan with phone number 91234567.
    • Example expected output:
    New contact added: Deborah Tan; Phone: 91234567

  • newcontact n/Tan Jun Wei p/82828234
    • This command will create a new contact named Tan Jun Wei with phone number 82828234.
    • Example expected output:
      New contact added: Tan Jun Wei; Phone: 82828234

BeforeAdding Before adding Deborah Tan into the contact list

AfterAdding After adding Deborah Tan into the contact list

Clear all Events and Contacts: clear

Clears all events in Paidlancers.

Format: clear

:exclamation: Caution: This is a destructive command. Once you clear all events and contacts, there is no way to recover them! Please be careful when using this command.

Create new Event: newevent

Adds a new event.

Format: newevent n/NAME r/RATE a/ADDRESS ds/START_TIME de/END_TIME [t/TAG]…

  • Creates a new event with specified NAME, RATE, ADDRESS, START_TIME, END_TIME and optionally TAGS.


  • NAME should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
  • RATE must be a positive number
  • RATE must be below 1,000,000.
  • ADDRESS can be in any form, "John's House".
  • Both START_TIME and END_TIME must have the format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm.


  • newevent n/DJ at wedding r/100 a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 ds/11-03-2023 11:00 de/11-03-2023 17:00 t/friends t/dj
    • This command will create a new event named DJ at wedding with rate 100 at address 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 from 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00 with tags friends and dj as shown below:
    New event added: DJ at wedding; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]; Tags: [dj][friends]

Delete an Event: delete

Deletes the specified event.

Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the event at the specified INDEX


  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed event list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The INDEX must be below 1,000,000.


  • delete 2
    • This command will delete the 2nd event in the event list.
    • Example expected output:
    Deleted Event: DJ at wedding; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]; Tags: [dj][friends]

BeforeDelete Before deleting 2nd event

AfterDelete After deleting 2nd event

Edit an Event: edit

Edits the specified event from the event book.

Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [r/RATE] [a/ADDRESS] [ds/TIMING] [de/TIMING] [t/TAG]...

  • Edits the event at the specified INDEX


  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed event list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The INDEX must be below 1,000,000.
  • [] are optional parameters.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Edits will replace existing values, edits are not cumulative.
  • Tags can be removed by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.
  • Existing tags will also be removed when editing editing tags, it will be necessary to input all the existing tags during the edit.
  • Do note that edit is only for editing the event details, not the contact details.
  • To link the event to a new contact, consider using linkcontact instead.


  • edit 2 r/100
    • This command will edit the rate of the 2nd event to be 100.
    • Example expected output:
    Edited Event: DJ at wedding; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]; Tags: [dj][friends]
  • edit 2 n/Wedding Dinner t/
    • This command will edit the name of the 2nd event to be Wedding Dinner and remove all tags.
    • Example expected output:
    Edited Event: Wedding Dinner; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]
  • edit 2 n/Wedding Lunch
    • This command will edit the name of the 2nd event to be Wedding Lunch.
    • Example expected output:
    Edited Event: Wedding Lunch; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]

BeforeEdit Before editing 1st event to Wedding Dinner Photography at Carlton Hotel ballroom

AfterEdit After editing 1st event to Wedding Dinner Photography at Carlton Hotel ballroom

Exit application: exit

Closes Paidlancers.

Format: exit

Find Event: find

Finds event(s) from the event book based on the given search string.


  • Finds the event using the specified KEYWORD


  • The KEYWORD refers to the string to search the event list for.
  • [] are optional parameters.
  • find will return all events that contain the KEYWORD in their name.
  • find is case-insensitive.


  • find wedding
    • This command will find and list all events that contains 'wedding' in its name.
  • find wedding dinner
    • This command will find and list all events that contains 'wedding' or 'dinner' in its name.

Links a client contact to an event.

Format: linkcontact INDEX PHONE

  • Links contact using PHONE to the event at the specified INDEX


  • The INDEX refers to the index number in the displayed events list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The INDEX must be below 1,000,000.
  • The PHONE must be a valid phone number in the contact list.


  • linkcontact 2 91234567
    • This command will link the contact with phone number 91234567 to the 2nd event in the event list.
    • Example expected output:
    Successfully linked! Wedding Lunch; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]

List all Events: list

Displays all events.

Format: list

Mark Event as Done: mark

Marks a specified event in Paidlancers as done.

Format: mark INDEX

  • Marks the event at the specified INDEX as done


  • The INDEX refers to the index number in the displayed events list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The INDEX must be below 1,000,000.


  • mark 2
    • This command will mark the 2nd event in the event list as done.
    • Example expected output:
    Marked event: Wedding Lunch; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [X]; Contact: Gladious Lee; Phone: 92348274

BeforeMark Before marking 1st event

AfterMark After marking 1st event

Unmark an Event: unmark

Unmarks a specified event in Paidlancers.

Format: unmark INDEX

  • Unmarks the event at the specified INDEX


  • The INDEX refers to the index number in the displayed events list.
  • The INDEX must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • The INDEX must be below 1,000,000.


  • unmark 2
    • This command will unmark the 2nd event in the event list.
    • Example expected output:
    Unmarked event: Wedding Lunch; Rate: 100.00; Address: 311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25; Timing: 11-03-2023 11:00 to 11-03-2023 17:00; Mark: [ ]; Contact: Gladious Lee; Phone: 92348274

View Total Revenue: revenue

Displays the total revenue based on all the events marked as done.

Format: revenue

  • Example expected output:
    The total revenue is: 200.00

View Upcoming Events: remind

Displays events that start within a specified number of days.

Format: remind DAYS

  • Displays events that start within the specified number of DAYS


  • DAYS must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • DAYS must be below 1,000,000.
  • Only events that start after the current date and time will be displayed.
  • The number of days to an event are the days from today's date to the event's start date. Their times are not considered.


Assume the current date and time is 22-03-2023 11:00.

  • remind 2
    • This command will display events that start within 2 days. These are events that start on:
      • 22-03-2023 after 11:00
      • 23-03-2023 the whole day
      • 24-03-2023 the whole day
    • Note that 24-03-2023 is within 2 days of 22-03-2023, so events on 24-03-2023 that start more than 48 hours from the current date and time are displayed.

Saving data:

Paidlancers data are saved in the hard disk automatically on command issue. There is no need to save manually.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?

  1. Follow the quickstart guide until step 3.
  2. In the same home folder as your Paidlancers, copy the old data folder from your old computer to the new computer.
    • Your home folder should contain the following files and folders:
  3. Run the jar file as per usual!

Features Summary

Features Features Format Example Usage
Add a Contact newcontact n/NAME p/NUMBER newcontact n/Deborah Tan p/91234567
Clear all Events and Contacts clear clear
Create New Event newevent n/NAME p/rate a/ADDRESS ds/START_TIME de/END_TIME [t/TAG]… newevent n/DJ at wedding p/100 a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 ds/11-03-2023 11:00 de/11-03-2023 17:00 t/friends t/dj
Delete an Event delete INDEX delete 2
Edit an Event edit INDEX [n/NAME] [r/RATE] [a/ADDRESS] [ds/TIMING] [de/TIMING] [t/TAG]... edit 2 r/100
Exit application exit exit
Find Event find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] find wedding dinner
Link Contact to Event linkcontact INDEX CONTACT linkcontact 2 91234567
List all Events list list
Mark Event as Done mark INDEX mark 2
Unmark an Event unmark INDEX unmark 2
View Total Revenue revenue revenue
View Upcoming Events remind DAYS remind 2
Saving data NIL NIL
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